A review by shadowhelm
Black Science, Vol. 1: How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender


"Black Science" is about a group of scientists that build a machine that opens pathways between parallel dimensions. Some places are similar to our own and others are fantastically different. Due to an accident or failure the "Pillar" breaks during the first jump and the scientists, called "Dimensionauts" can't get home and the portal opens and closes at different intervals. If you are not at the "Pillar" when it jumps, you get left behind.

This is one of those stories that really grows and gets better as it goes along. I was a bit unsure about it in the beginning. It didn't quite reel me in from the start but as I kept going I found myself more invested in the characters and the overarching story. By the end I finally felt I had a sense of where things were going and I feel compelled to pick up the next volume. The story has a bit of a Sliders/Quantum Leap vibe going for it but I really appreciate the tension between the "Dimensionauts" team as well as the reveal in the last chapter of this volume with regards to the nature of the multiverse through which the explorers are traveling.

Definitely worth checking int