A review by jager123
Terms & Conditions by Robert Glancy


The latest in my random reviews of really random books. Today is ‘Terms and Conditions’ by robert glancy.
Frank has been involved in a car accident and has lost his memory. Before the crash he was the terms and conditions guy, the lawyer who wrote the fine print none of us ever read. It’s the story of the relationship between three brothers. The story of a husband and wife. The rediscovery of who he was and becoming the man he never allowed himself to be. Told through chapters titled ‘terms and conditions of ......’, through emails and fine print.
First part is kind of slow but the pace picks up as each chapter starts. It feels right for the development of the story as the memories go from fragments to an avalanche. Terms and conditions of revenge, memorable.
This novel probably won’t change your life but it’s not a bad way to kill some time.