A review by vicwritesbooks
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


I haven't written reviews for a while, so here comes Delirium. Man, did I die or what!? This was so powerful, it's like I read Shakespeare all over again.
I really loved the idea of LOVE being a disease. Or believed to be a disease, at that. Because the symptoms are there and they are true. And love is NOT a disease, it's a blessing and this is what the book tells us, even though it ends up even more heart breakingly than Romeo and Juliet did for me. Because isn't it easier to think they both rest in peace than writhle in the oh-so-stong pain of not being able to see one an other or even know the others faith?
But the ending should be in the end of my review, so let's start from the beginning again. If the love is declared to be a disease, then what happens to people? How can one live without love?Without any feelings, at that? It's colorless life. And this is why the book reminded me of Lois Lowry's The Giver. The way higher power is able to control people, destroy the happiness (or rename it, giving it another meaning) or take things away that people even don't know they are missing - decieve people - take away their rights - this is what the book is about.
It's not just an amazingly good love story. It is a picture painted of society itself. It's the painting of life colored by words only... hundreds and hundreds of words, telling incredible things. It is a lesson to be learned. Are you sleeping? Are you drifting through life eyes half open, half closed? This book tells you to wake up and live. Live with all you've got and not waste your life.
This is the story of friendship. Friendship so strong that one parties was willing to risk capture to tell the other of coming danger (and Lena did almost get captured.) Friends are there to support us, they are here to comfort us. And if needed, they will go through fire to help you out.

"What's your favourite color?"

Why can't it be gray? Who's to tell you what you can or can not like? Who's to tell you what to do with your life, what to study or who to marry? This is the book that tells you to take controll over your life and fu*k everyone elses opinion. They can't stop you! They can't control you! It's you who decides what do live for. Lena did decide, she went through hell to get what she wanted, what she really wished for. She was willing to die for it. Her desire was so strong she couldn't care less what happened to her if she didn't get what she lived for. This is how some people live - with all of their hearts.
And in the end... she lost it. This is the story that tells you to cheerish what you got 'till it's gone. (Nothing lasts forever.) This is the story of great sacrifice, because not only Lena fought for her loved ones, but so did Alex - and in some way he won the battle, too. How much are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? Because little is not enough.
(Personally my favourite character was Grace. A silent bystander in the beginning, but still the strongest voice to the world. Strongest voice telling that the way they lived was wrong, ecen though she barely spoke a word.)