A review by lifeand100books
Body Rocks by A.M. Arthur


Upon finishing this book I got the overwhelming feeling that the author had a list of races, ethnicities, social issues, and mental health issues and was trying to fit as many of them as possible in this book. It led to parts of the book feeling disingenuous. Overall the book has pacing issues. A social issues/mental health issue would get randomly thrown out and throw off the pacing of the story. I could have used less "issues" just sprinkled throughout and just delved deeper into Trey's apparent PTSD/anxiety and Dom's drugging and subsequent sexual assault.

I felt the sparks between Trey and Dom during their first performance and wished that the rest of their romantic sequences had that same spark and intimacy to them. We miss a lot of their love story being told to us. Instead we know that for their weeks apart they Skype and talk for hours, but where is the developing intimacy for the reader to see?

Overall I think this needed stronger editing to help the pacing and story structure out.