A review by smuds2
The Joke by Milan Kundera

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
I just do not care about Ludviks story. There was maybe something interesting being said about the relationship between the public and private persona - and the extension of that idea to how everyone wears a mask in different conditions, either a mask chosen by themselves or a mask foisted on them by others. Or that you put a mask on everyone you meet and that's how you perceive them.

And how you can pull that even further to zoom out and say we have a perception on a whole people, in this case folk people, without truly understanding them. So like when the folk music guy tried to advance folk music to modern day, Ludvik was like "gross" because Ludviks perception of the appeal of folk music (aka his mask) did not correspond to the folk music guys mask/perception.

I guess. I don't know. I just didn't care about Ludviks story. Helena, interesting. Folk music guy. Interesting. Kolksta, interesting (skimmed his stuff). But I just don't care about a guy trying to get his rocks off by manipulating himself and women to get them to sleep with him.