A review by astukes_close
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Thank goodness I got this via download from the library because had I had actually paid for it, I think I might have gone a bit mental. Let me begin by saying that if you are the type of person that reads the first 50 pages of a book before deciding whether to continue reading to the end, then this isn't the book for you. The first "a-ha" moment doesn't actually come until the mid-way point of the story, so up until then it's actually a pretty BORING read (for me, the page turning moment didn't come until page 200). There isn't even a particular (main) character that you can emotionally invest in.....Amy is missing but I don't really care, Nick is struggling to make sense of it all but I don't really care.
The action in the last 2/3 of the book really saved this for me but then the ending just left me wanting to hate the book all over again.
I thought that Gillian Flynn's narrative style worked well in the psychological thriller category but just wished that this particular story line got off the ground a bit quicker.