A review by meigothic
Every Duke Has His Day by Suzanne Enoch


Disclaimer: I received a review copy for free via NetGalley, and am voluntarily leaving my honest thoughts. Many thanks to the publisher, St. Martin's Press, for the opportunity!

4.5 rounded up. This is my first read from Enoch, but I loved how easy it was to jump right into it. I really enjoyed how Duke Woriton was a nice grumpy MMC and that Elizabeth was a great FMC who was both adorable and it made sense why she was such a popular gal. Their meet cute definitely gave me 101 Dalmatians vibes which I ADORED, and I loved that this had so many different POVs to follow! Jimmy and Sally's romance as the secondary couple really stole the show for me, and the dognapping shenanigans was a fun plot to navigate through. Honestly, the chemistry between Bitsy and Michael wasn't as strong to me as Jimmy/Sally, but it was still great! On top of that, I actually loved Peter as a villain and it is kind of a shame he was the way he was as his dedication to try to win over Bitsy was definitely...a bit admirable, tbh.