A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
With Love from London by Sarah Jio


After being dumped by her husband of twelve years, Valentina learns that her mother has passed. Valentina has not seen nor heard from her mother since she was twelve years old. Valentina is told that she has inherited a building in the Primrose Hill neighborhood of London, England that contains two apartments and a bookshop. As a librarian, Valentina finds the idea of owning a bookshop appealing. Books have always helped her through the rough moments of her life. Valentine arrives at the Book Garden and meets Millie, her mother’s best friends and Liza, a tenant. When Valentina finds her favorite book in the shop, she opens it to find an envelope with her name on it. Her mother has left her one last scavenger hunt. Valentina hopes this will allow her to learn more about her mother and why she left all those years ago without a word. Valentina receives word for the solicitors that the death taxes are higher than expected. If she wants to keep the Book Garden, Valentina along with Millie and Liza must find a way to raise the funds. Can Valentina save the bookshop, and will she learn what she needs to know about her elusive mother? With Love from London by Sarah Jio is a dual timeline novel. We get Valentina’s story which is set in 2013 and Eloise’s story that begins in 1968. I normally have a hard time with novels that have multiple timelines, but Sarah Jio made it flow beautifully. I was able to go from one section to the other without difficulty. I thought With Love from London was well-written with realistic characters. I enjoyed the vivid descriptions of London’s Primrose Hill neighborhood. I loved how Valentina and other characters just loved books. It is always wonderful when you meet a fellow reader and booklover. My favorite quote is, “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having too many books.” Another delightful quote is “…a favorite book is like an old friend, waiting for you with open arms.” With Love from London is a poignant novel. There are a couple of scenes where you will want to ensure that you have a tissue handy. The romances were touching, and one was amusing. I enjoyed the humor sprinkled throughout the story. There was, though, some predictability to the tale. There were a couple of items that I figured out early on and then waited to see if my guesses would come to fruition. The ending left me with a smile on my face. I look forward to reading each new Sarah Jio novel and she did not disappoint with this one. If you love romance, books, and people who love books, then With Love from London is the right novel for you.