A review by iheartfictionalpeople
Escape from Witchwood Hollow by Jordan Elizabeth


Review originally posted on my blog: I Heart Fictional People


This was one of the first review requests I got when I started my blog. I initially had mixed feelings because the fantasy genre has always been a hit or miss for me and witches aren’t my favorite topic, but I wanted to give it a try. Plus, the cover and book blurb intrigued me!


The writing. I had never read this author, so I set my expectations fairly low. Turns out I didn’t need to. This book was so well-written. It felt like I was reading a book by an author who has been writing for 30 years. I was very impressed. This story could’ve easily gotten confusing because there were about three different time periods, and unfortunately, this is not usually done well in my experience of reading these types of books; however, Jordan Elizabeth nailed it. I never once questioned which time period I was in. And the writing style was awesome. Just enough detail, not too much or too little. The dialogue felt natural and didn’t seem forced. Plus, the story flowed so smoothly.

The mystery. Wow. I didn’t expect to get so sucked into this story and the mystery behind it all. I couldn’t stop reading once I started. I just kept asking myself: what is going on with these woods? Is there really a witch? What is she doing? Who are all these different characters? How are they all connected? And once I gradually began to figure things out, I had to pretty much put the book down and clap because it was amazing. Kudos to the author for keeping me guessing and keeping the mystery alive until the very end.

The characters. I really liked Honoria and Albertine. They both suffered yet were so determined in their own unique way. And I was so attached to them. I cared so much about what happened to them and the other characters. I just HAD to know how it ended, which kept me up late reading. And I LOVE when that happens. It’s no fun reading a book if you don’t care about the characters.


Maybe adding an epilogue. I would’ve liked to see how the characters are doing afterward, even something very short. I just got so attached, so I wanted to know more. BUT, this is such a minor issue. It didn’t even have an impact on my rating or my thoughts on the book. It’s just a personal preference of mine.


Omg, I loved this book! I’m so glad I was contacted by the author, and I’m so glad I gave it a chance. I was beginning to think that the only books I would enjoy would have a romance at the center of the story, but I’m glad this story proved me wrong. It was full of mystery, suspense, intrigue, and so much more. I could go on and on. What a great first impression I got of this author. I can’t wait to read more from her!

*I received an eBook copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*