A review by haletostilinski1
Daddy Wanted by Susi Hawke, Piper Scott


Meh, this wasn't very good. I gave it two stars instead of one because of a somewhat interesting beginning.

Otherwise the writing in this was pretty damn mediocre, it took forever for anything romantic or sexual to happen between these two, the "stalker" was cartoonish, the "kink" wasn't that hot, barely focused on, this didn't even write out what happened to Toby when he was kidnapped by his stalker, just that Thorne was waiting for him and worrying and then Toby gets out of it and comes back and THEN he TELLS what happens.

Like??? That isn't just telling, that's a character telling, instead of showing. Not good.

Weeks go by that we don't see several times, Toby gets pregnant from some dude he met before meeting Thorne at some orgy, so that immediately bummed me out (also, Toby gets sick once from morning sickness, Thorne takes him to the doctor and then it's like "yep, pregnant" like, not a very good build up).

I found myself skimming by the 65% mark, i didn't care what happened to the characters, I didn't feel a connection between Toby and Thorne - there was no build up either.

I don't get why Tommy, one of Toby's band members, hates him and accuses him of things he doesn't do and has no sympathy for the fact that Toby has ADHD. But Toby is the clear star, and worthy of it because he has talent, but Tommy wants to replace him with some rando? Who in their right mind would want that when the real talent would get them to go much farther? Also, why did two of the other band members go along with Tommy's bullshit? We don't really get any answers.

The sex, also, took so long to happen that I was bored by the time it came along, and it wasn't that interestingly written either.

Just...I didn't like much about this book at all. It did show promise at the beginning, but that promise wasn't fulfilled. Piper Scott can do much better this, so I wonder if the major failing in this for me was the other author's writing, which I haven't read any other books for. I don't know.

But this was a thumbs down for me. Do not recommend.