A review by timeliss
Ten by Gretchen McNeil


This book was AMAZING. But sadly, I couldn’t give it 5 stars because… IT’S PLAGIARIZED. Did anyone have to read And Then There Were none a.k.a Ten Little “Indians” in high school? Well yeah my class and I had to read that last year, and this book IS EXACTLY THE SAME. I was so angry because I knew who the killer would be the whole time. Here’s the similarities: 1. the killer turns out to be someone who was already “killed” (Ben/Tom), 2. The people are tricked on to a remote island, 3. They were selected because they did something bad in their pasts and the killer thought it was best to get revenge, 4. There were ten of them, 5. each time someone died, something appeared/disapeared (the slashmarks/the indian sculptures on the table)There might be more but that’s all I can think of right now. The only thing I liked was the ending, how Meg and T.J ended up saved and together. I hated Minnie and she took way too long to be killed. But the ending to And Then There Were None is better: the woman kills that guy (I think it was a guy) then kills herself, just like the video said. Then, the killer wrote a letter saying why he did what he did and how he did it, and then killed himself so it looked like he actually was killed off. Loved it. but it was good, so I’ll give it three stars.