A review by detailsandtales
Uncanny Magazine Issue 24 September/October 2018: Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue by S. Qiouyi Lu, Dominik Parisien, Judith Tarr, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Elsa Sjunneson, Nicolette Barischoff


The fiction in here was a mixed bag. Some stories really spoke to me and captured my attention; others didn't. But the nonfiction... wow. Some of it spoke to me in personal ways about representation, and invisible disability and whether or not someone is disabled to begin with. Other pieces caught me by surprise and got me thinking about kinds of representation I hadn't considered before. As a writer, I found this invaluable, and as a reader, it has left me looking more actively for disabled representation in the fiction I read. This is such an important read, and definitely not just for the stories.

Favorite stories:
- The Frequency of Compassion by A. Merc Rustad
- Disconnect by Fran Wilde
- This Will Not Happen to You by Marissa Lingen.

Favorite nonfiction pieces:
- Design a Spaceship by Andi C. Buchanan
- And the Dragon was in the Skin by A. J. Hackwith
- My Genre Makes a Monster of Me by teri.zin
- The Future is (Not) Disabled by Marieke Nijkamp