A review by thebookplatypus91
War by Laura Thalassa


“My brother failed. I will not.”
“Pestilence might have been a conqueror, but I don’t seek to conquer, savage woman, I seek to destroy”.

We have War and badass Miriam.
War got it in his head immediately that Miriam is his wife because she can understand his language that seems to be a dead language.
As much as Miriam fought on it, he absolutely is convinced that she was made for him.
“I will tell you this: you are my wife, you will surrender to me, and you will be mine in every sense of the word before I’ve destroyed the last of this world. “

Talk about alpha daddy. But honestly I thought War was so freaking sweet. I’m probably totally warped in the head after all the books that I read but War was really good to Miriam the entire book it seemed. She’s the one that fought him every other chapter because he obviously was killing humankind. HER kind. But he was always gentle with her and ended up being extremely loyal to her.

“You are mine wholly and completely-and I am yours. For now and always it will be this way”. Oh dear God. That sounded a lot like a vow to me. What have I done?”

So like book one, this book had a crap ton of action as they pillage and plunder through different towns and cities. War has his own army of human men and not so alive people that he can make rise from the dead. I love this authors creativity and how she can build up a pretty intense world with these gorgeous and dominate Horsemen.

I can’t wait for a book 3 which is Famine!