A review by funnellegant
Hag-Seed: William Shakespeare's the Tempest Retold by Margaret Atwood


I picked this novel up last year to follow-up my first ever read-through of Shakespeare's "The Tempest." With my limited exposure to Margaret Atwood thus far, I was expecting less of a "retelling" and more of a "reimagining" of The Tempest, with plenty of satire and social commentary thrown in.

Let's be clear, there is definitely satire. But the book surprised me with it's wholesomeness and depth, not to mention Atwood's thorough and nuanced appreciation for the play. At times, the book read like a piece of literary criticism disguised as creative writing.

I laughed out loud multiple times at the charicatured figure of Felix, an artistic director for a theatre company (standing in for Prospero). Definitely a fun, thoughtful, and worthwhile read.