A review by sophiasunlitreads
Forgotten Blade by Jeff Powell


This book was given to me in in for an honest review from TKO Presents via Netgalley.

The last hope for humanity to fight against the tyranny of the church's oppression is struck down by the forgotten blade.

Ruza the unwashed, who wields the Forgotten Blade joins the Inquisitor to help bring order to all the cities. But when an enchantress comes looking for him to help her destroy the one thing no one in all the 5 rivers has the courage to even think about.

Now, Noa and Ruza the unwashed will journey across the 5 rivers flowing from the citadel where the Allfather is behind the great walls.

That's sums up the plot. Now for things I really liked.

Ruza the unwashed:

Ruza the unwashed has this emotionless outlook making seem like nothing more than a savage man that kills with the slash of his mighty Blade. But as he begins his journey across the 5 rivers with Noa, he begins to see that the world is not necessarily black and white.

I loved his character development and when he did everything in his power to save Noa and help her. That was a hard thing to do for a stranger but Ruza rose to the occasion and that's one he'll of a character development.


Noa comes off as a strong enchantress who has her mind set on one goal; destroying the all father. But as her backstop reveals itself and you see the layers of hurt that she carries. You'll understand what drives her goals. I loved how she sacrificed everything without single thoughts for her goal. And even had the courage to get a savage man like Ruza the unwashed to help her in her goal.


The creator of the 5 rivers. When he is finally revealed. I loved the technological advancement between him and he's creations. And how the fact that he had lost all hope was portrayed after his failure.

Art style:

I requested an arc of this graphic novel because of the cover. And damn, from the first page all through the end is a masterpiece. I love the character designs and the world. It has this geometric form to it that makes it really cool and brings out that futuristic characteristics of the world.

It's also very colourful. I'm a huge fan of colourful graphic styles and did book gave what it was supposed to give.


Up to par that's all I will say. Read and enjoy this graphic novel because it's a world of art.