A review by melissalynne81
All the Stars in the Sky by Sarah Lyons Fleming


I'm so upset that this series is over. I loved it. There were times I thought that I would throw my iPad in frustration, but I put it down, took a couple deep breaths and then picked it back up.

This series was great. I enjoyed the storyline and the characters. I was very attached to the characters, which definitely made some of the deaths very hard and I did cry at more than one of them. The way the group pulled together and did what had to be done, while protecting each other was great.

This was one of the best zombie series I've read. And I think it's because it wasn't overly graphic or violent or horror filled. There were some points I laughed, pointed I cried, points I was very frustrated and wanted to yell at them. It was a great series and I would highly recommend it.