A review by sarahbethbrown
Pure by Julianna Baggott


My favorite first book in a trilogy since Hunger Games. This book was kinda grody, since the characters were morphed with inanimate objects after a series of mysterious detonations. But then I got past that, and just got really into the story. I think that there were too many characters, but I suspect that much of the loose ends will get tied togetehr in future installments. Not a great plan, but it worked. I'm actually invested in what is going to happen next, and pleased that this broke from the trope of girls lives in oppressive society, meets boy who doesn't believe in said society, questions everything she believes in, gets in trouble and has to run away. This has some of that, but only about to the degree of the Hunger Games.

Do read this. It's also not specifically YA or Adult, and thus fits a little better into both than books that are specifically one or the other.