A review by emmanuelbg
A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug


There's few theorists in our times which have the clarity of thought, the sharpness in analysis required to truly see through the regime's fog and prescribe the (in my opinion) right antidote.

Curtis Yarvin is one of those writers which I get endless enjoyment out of reading, mostly because he so effortlessly drops the most unexpected takes, things that are so different and far flung from the usual political discourse. It's truly refreshing.

And what strikes one the most about these takes is that they're often right. It might take an entire chapter, or the whole book, to convince you of what he says, but more often than not you'll come around to it as well.

Modern times require modern solutions, and it's clear that democracy's steam is running out. A new vision is required, something which can renew not only politics but also culture as a whole.

I genuinely believe that one of the best arguments against the status quo is simply looking at the moral decay, the utter degeneracy of the social mores. The youth is devoid of emotion, robbed of experiences and vital energy. We are ruled by truly the worst of the worst, government from the sewers. How much longer can civilization hold out in this state?

The bleeding must stop, and Yarvin effectively provides new ideas to counter the societal collapse we are witnessing.