A review by adamskiboy528491
The Brexit Tapes: From the Referendum to the Second Dark Age by John Bull


"My Name is Bozymandias, King of Kings; I Got Brexit Done"

The Brexit Tapes by John Bull is the political satire everyone needs to read. It feels like something Armando Iannucci could come up with…only with large amounts of pop-cultural references to help fill in the boring political gaps.

Brextorians had long suspected that at the time of the Brexit negotiations, a series of audio recordings were made by and of government officials. In the year 3563, their suspicions were confirmed with the discovery of the first cache of tapes: conversations in the halls of Westminster and private residences, secretly recorded in direct contravention of privacy laws. These transcripts describe the ins and outs of Parliament and Downing Street in an over-the-top

As you can imagine, it sends us down the rabbit hole of British political omnishambles! The illustrations were hilarious, and there were even a lot of hilarious moments in the footnotes! The appendix even features a few musical numbers!