A review by me2brett
Death of a Fool by Ngaio Marsh


This is the first Marsh book I've 'read' completely - Death in White Tie was abridged (although well-read by Cumberbatch). Up to now I had been thinking of Marsh as a lesser competitor of Allingham and Sayers, and I misjudged her. Inspector Alleyne may not be as fully developed a character, internally, as Lord Peter, but the story that Marsh weaves is complex and lovely.

The story involves British folk traditions, a small village, an outsider folk enthusiast, class-consciousness and reverse snobbery, and a thoroughly confusing murder. I found the plot engaging and fun, a very good companion to a long drive. There were parts where I laughed out loud. I may in fact pick up a copy of the book, to re-read the parts where the mythologic background of the mummers and morrises are discussed, particularly in relation to Lear.