A review by hannahtrahair
Return to Bag-End by John D. Rateliff


"You are a very fine person, Mr Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only a little fellow in a wide world after all!"

I should probably begin by saying that I've never read this, nor Lord of the Rings, before - I've only seen the films. However, after watching the first part of The Hobbit I guessed that it was probably about time for me to embark on actually reading these and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed my first foray into Tolkein.

This book reads much like a Grimm fairytale, and as its intended audience as children I guess this isn't really surprising. However, it is undeniable that people of any ages can simply appreciate the complex world which Tolkein is able to produce and execute so simply, yet imaginatively. Though I would be hard pushed to name all the dwarfs, the large cast of peripheral characters are developed well and each have a completely unique personality.

Moreover, the action is well-paced and engaging, unsurprising I suppose in something which has stood the test of time so well. I couldn't give it five stars because, whilst I liked it, I can't say I would race towards a re-read here. Nevertheless, I would still highly recommend it and am looking forward to the conclusion of the film franchise as well as reading the Lord of the Rings books as well.