A review by alyram4
Wardens of Eternity by Courtney Allison Moulton


3.75/5 stars

This book was a bit all over the place for me. I sometimes loved it, sometimes felt bored, and other times had no idea what I even felt. I've been trying to digest my thoughts, but it's a bit difficult for me to truly give then out. I did enjoy this for the most part, so I decided to round up my rating.

The plot was interesting and definitely unique. I lived all the Egyptian mythology that this book covered. Mythology is always one of my favorite topics in general, so seeing them p uhh tninto a book usually makes me very excited! I thought the mythology was done really well, and I appreciate the fact that the author included the many Gods that are relevant in the mythology. So with that said, I actually had issues with the World War 2 aspect. The story itself was well done, but the inclusion of WW2 just felt off to me throughout the entire thing. While I understand why it was included and its meaning for the bigger picture, I still don't think it should've been as prominent as it is. It just throws off the story for me on multiple occasions, enough times that I actually lowered my rating.

Characters are a mixed bag. I like Ziva, Sayer and Nasira, but I had quite a few issues with each of them. Some of their actions or conversations make no sense for what the scene is presenting, so I found myself frustrated at moments. I also have to point out that I didn't love any of them. I liked them for the most part, but even after a few hours I start to forget some of their details. They're a bit forgettable, especially a character who gets offed. I hope the characters get improved in the next book, as this was a major issue for me.

I'd say that if this book interests you to give it a shot! Keep in mind that it may not be the best start for a series, but it does bring new and interesting ideas to the table to keep you entertained.

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.