A review by thebarandthebookcase
Bunny by Mona Awad


Please close Goodreads and go snag a copy of this book. After spending the day pondering this novel upon finishing it last night, I think I can confidently say that this is one of the best books I’ve ever read. This is truly a book that is best going into blind, but to entice you further, here’s a quick elevator pitch: Samantha is an outsider in a MFA program at a small prestigious college. She is in a fiction cohort, and the remaining four are an unbearable clique of rich girls who call each other “Bunny” and host rituals called “Smut Salons.” Samantha is slowly enticed into their circle and attends one of these bloody gatherings, with dire consequences. Think Mean Girls or Heathers meets Carrie.

This satire expertly balances literary horror and comedy while methodically taking an axe (*wink wink*) to stuffy graduate programs and its sometimes horrific students. What sets this novel apart for me is the unexpected theme of the effect of loneliness and isolation on an individual and how imagination can become a deadly force in such circumstances. I am in love with Awad’s writing on every page, painting hilariously gruesome images when describing the mundane yet carefully avoiding being excessive. As for the plot, I did not see the end coming, and throughout I was gripped to the pages to figure out WTF was going on in this twisted fairy tale. Finally, the last sentence is simply perfect. Please head to your local bookstore now!