A review by asma_aj
Fade by Lisa McMann


When the police suspect a notorious and sexual predator disguised as a teacher in Fieldridge High, Janie is asked to confirm and smoke him out. It isn't enough that students are covering up for the criminal, but the assignment doesn't sit well with her boyfriend Cabel either. As both struggle to be professional and keep their rocky relationship on the low, both realize that they are in way over their heads.

If there was an award for most realistic and beautiful YA fictional couple, it should go to Janie and Cabel. I LOVE those two. I love how McMann portrayed their relationship; mature. Two people who are trying hard to open up with one another, and the slews of problems that come from it.

It took me a while to get used to the writing again, and like last time, it worked amazingly well in suspenseful scenes, and man were they suspenseful! McMann is excellent at portraying which part of the story readers should pay attention too, and the sexual predator plot was so intense. Just amazing.
But as much as I loved the concise writing, there were moments when I didn't understand what happened. It would have been nice to go deeper in some parts, but otherwise, I think it worked out well. An awesome addition to an amazing trilogy. Can't wait to read the next one.