A review by mferrante83
Prophets: Apotheosis: Book One by S. Andrew Swann


Prophets marks the first book in a new series from S. Andrew Swann set in the same universe as two of his previous series (Hostile Takeover and Moreau). Set several centuries in the future Prophets begins 200 years after the fall of the human Confederacy (an organizations of human planets and colonies) and where the Roman Catholic Church represents a powerful political force in the expansion of human influence in the galaxy. A rising power, the islamic Eridani Caliphate, is quickly gaining ground on the Church while a third party, represented by the enigmatic Mr. Antonio, manipulates both governments and individuals towards a yet unknown goal. Prophets is a novel that covers all the standard space opera bases and covers them well. Unique and fascinating alien races, genetically engineered humans, sentient AI, political machinations, fascinating human cultures, and mystery are all present and accounted far. This might of made for a fairly generic story but Swann manages to weave a startling complexity and depth into each of those aspects and ties everything together with spiritual and religious themes that are overt but never obnoxious.

Full review here.