A review by elliefufu
Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook


Heart of Steel, The Iron Seas #2, by Meljean Brook
Grade: C

“Perhaps drugging the woman he intended to fall in love with wasn’t the accepted method of kindling a passionate romance, yet Archimedes considered it the most sensible way to proceed.”

Archimedes Fox is a man with nine lives and a basket full of luck. Months earlier Yasmeen, captain of the Lady Corsair airship, threw Archimedes off her ship and into the zombie infested waters of Venice never expecting to see the man again. But zombies are no match for Archimedes and he is on a mission to get back a very rare and valuable sketch da Vinci and to win over Yasmeen and finally fall in love. Even with all the luck in the world Archimedes and Yasmeen still have a very long and up hill battle to get the sketch back and get revenge for Yasmeen and her crew that were murdered. Together they must travel Europe and fight zombie, horde rebels and try to get back all that they have lost while still saving themselves.

Heart of Steel is the second book of Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas series and sadly not as good as the first book The Iron Duke. The Iron Duke was my first experience with reading steampunk novels and from the first couple of pages I fell in love. I found Heart of Steel to be a complete one eighty from the Iron Duke and not in a positive way. The book started very, very slow and if I hadn’t have loved the first book so much I would have stopped reading after the first fifty pages. I honestly can’t say if I didn’t enjoy this book that much because I loved Iron Duke so much or if it really wasn’t very good.

I loved Archimedes and Yasmeen in the Iron Duke and was so excited to read their story and adventure. As I mentioned before this was a highly anticipated read and review for me but it started out so slow and actually kind of boring. It does get good, very good actually but it takes almost a hundred pages for this to happen. Archimedes is hands down the best character in the book and helps keep things fun and interesting. Without him I would not have been able to finish this book and wouldn’t have made it past page five.

This series made me a huge fan of steampunk but I felt that the steampunk aspects like the bugs, horde and zombies take way too long to appear. The whole adventure part of the book takes way to long to come about and that’s what makes this such a difficult and frustrating book. Archimedes is an treasure hunter and Yasmeen is a bad ass captain and for some reason it takes forever for them to find a good fight and get into some trouble with zombies. When they finally do it’s amazing and I couldn’t put the book down but it just took forever to get to this point.

You do not need to read the Iron Duke before reading Heart of Steel but it would certainly help and I would suggest doing so. I did like this book but I didn’t love it like I wanted to and found myself very disappointed because of it. I think that this series is going to be amazing and I really hope that there are going to more books because I think Mrs. Brook has created one of the most imaginative worlds I have ever read and I want to explore every single part of it.