A review by bryce_is_a_librarian
Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage by Kurt Vonnegut


I really miss Kurt Vonnegut, there's no one better in making vile and ridiculous things look vile and ridiculous.

This is something of an odds and sods collection, a mixture of letters, speeches, family history, philosphy, lectures, short stories, unpublished work, and good old fashioned bitching. As a result the quality varies, in particular an unpublished script for a musical based on Dr. Jekyl And Mr. Hyde, is probably the worst thing I've ever read by Vonnegut. It's painfully unfunny, truly awful, and I'm the kind of Vonnegut fan who loves Slapstick and Hocus Pocus.

Still the grand majority of the writing here is more then fufilling. And his short explination of the value of reading is the best I've ever read.

The only problem with reading a Vonnegut book I haven't read is I know that it means I have one less chance to do so.