A review by ria_mhrj
Cast in Fury by Michelle Sagara


I was so disappointed with this book! Having read the first three books, I was hopeful that Cast in Fury would build upon its predecessors and offer surprises and more answers. It's a wonderful world and the characters are great fun, but it's just getting tedious now...

In summary, Kaylin stumbles across something she doesn't understand. Various characters know exactly what is happening but refuse to tell her. A child is in peril. Kaylin gets her knickers in a twist. Somehow her powers are useful, right around the finale. Severn is usually around to occasionally smile and squeeze her hand. Nightshade pops up mysteriously and touches her magically marked cheek.

ARGH! Enough already - my friend used the term 'Plumitis' (the Stephanie Plum rut) which this series is beginning to suffer from. Having read some reviews of book 5, I'm not likely to pick it up, much as it pains me to leave this world behind.