A review by lizaroo71
How to Be Safe by Tom McAllister


I picked this one up after seeing it on a list from my library.

The prologue begins from a teen boy's point of view. He describes the mundane activities he performs before he walks into his school and begins shooting indiscriminately. But, this isn't his story. This is Anne's story. She is an English teacher at the school and while she wasn't at the school when the shooting occurred, she is accused of being a perpetrator. When her name is cleared, she is still held under suspicion.

This is a timely book as it deals with a mass shooting and it takes a look at how this can happen. The writing is strong, I had many quotes marked in it. But, the protagonist just isn't a strong one. You want to reach in and shake her out of her stupor. Maybe this is real life though. You can't control how people react and this is a realistic portrayal of how that may be.