A review by pixiedust_
Normal People by Sally Rooney


Rating: ★★✮☆☆ (2.5 stars)

While Normal People started off with promisingly simple yet intimate character insights, I found myself growing increasingly frustrated. Nothing particularly meaningful, significant, or plot-driven happened even a quarter of the way through. As a reader, I was left feeling confused as to what all the hype was about.

Rooney's distinctive writing style of omitting quotation marks also proved distracting for me. Without clear indicators of dialogue versus internal monologue, I struggled to discern when characters were actually conversing or had imagined exchanges playing out in their heads. This made following the interpersonal dynamics and emotional nuances more difficult than it needed to be.

By the 24% mark, my patience had worn thin, waiting for some semblance of a compelling storyline or memorable events to hook me in. As much as I wanted to understand the acclaim, the slow burn proved too slow for my tastes. Life is busy enough without slogging through minimal plot progression and analyzing sparse thoughts that left me feeling vaguely unfulfilled.

While Rooney is praised for her realistic portrayals of millennial angst and complex relationships, her work simply did not resonate with me on a personal level. Based on my experience with Normal People, I can confidently say I am not a "Sally Rooney girl," and I don’t feel compelled to further explore her catalog.