A review by heabooknerd
Hard to Be Good by Laura Kaye


I'm so excited that HARD TO BE GOOD gave us Jeremy and Charlie's story! I've loved Jeremy from the very beginning and he jumped off the page in every scene he was in. From his humor, to his ridiculous shirts, to his abundance of tattoos and piercings, he just has so much personality. Jeremy has been a light during the dark times and he's given up so much to help his brother and the team while embracing each new person with open arms.

In contrast, Charlie is more reserved in his emotions and he's not used to being around so many people or trying to make connections. Life hasn't been easy for Charlie but I loved seeing him reconnect with his sister Becca and find a family with the Hard Ink guys. It's so obvious how much Charlie just wanted to be accepted for who he was and I'm so happy that he finally found that.

Together Jeremy and Charlie had great chemistry. Jeremy’s outgoing personality helped push Charlie to get out of his comfort zone and Charlie’s calm nature became a safe place for Jeremy during all the turbulence. You can really tell how much they each felt for the other.

Content Warning: MC recovering from a kidnapping and forced amputation of fingers; references to human trafficking and gang violence

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Favorite Quotes:

Several moments passed, and Charlie just held Jeremy. It was easy to do. He’d wanted to do it for weeks. And he knew he could do it forever, if Jeremy let him. Because Jeremy made him feel present in the world in a way he hadn’t . . . maybe ever.

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Being with Charlie felt so damn natural. Like they’d always known each other. Like they belonged together. Like they were the best of friends—only so much more.