A review by elvang
An Outsider Inside by R.J. Samuel


Full disclosure. I had the good fortune to be one of the beta readers for An Outsider Inside. I’ve watched this story morph and change into what I consider the author’s best work to date. This book has it all. Samuel examines prejudice in its many forms, the most obvious being skin colour and sexual orientation, the more subtle involving cultural diversity with underlying hints at domestic violence. She balances these darker themes with a message of hope, enlightenment, and opportunity for new beginnings. She adds humour to help diffuse the darkness. She writes with authority using her gorgeous prose and poetry to pull the reader into the lives of her characters both real and fictional. And yes, she even manages to fit in a bit of romance amidst the drama.

I am a huge fan of RJ Samuel because she continues to raise the level of literary excellence in lesbian fiction with her writing. Her plot twists are reminiscent of the works of Sarah Waters, her settings and understanding of the human condition rival the many books I’ve read by Emma Donoghue.

An Outsider Inside is a thought provoking read which will have you questioning your own bias and prejudices. It may also help you appreciate the privileges you take for granted.

ARC received from author for an honest review.