A review by yak_attak
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare


Measure for Measure presents a very interesting political scenario, populates it with interesting, memorable characters, and bears it out through to the conclusion, and in that manner ends up being one of the more straightforward of the bard's ouvre. I don't mean to say that there aren't disguises or deceptions, it's still Shakespeare, but oddly there's hardly a side plot, or scene that doesn't push the main drive forward.

On one hand, this means it's a much more streamlined and simply play than many, and could serve as a great introduction - there's also a *lot* to discuss when it comes to the play's (machiavellian?) Duke, who abdicates seemingly in order to set up his successor to fuck up, toying with (and helping out) with a number of people in the process. On the other hand, it also ends up being feeling a bit empty, one-note, less rich than its brethren. Still a good one, and worth your time.