A review by kirstysreading
The Existence Of Amy by Lana Grace Riva


a stunning insight into the mind of someone battling depression, social anxiety and OCD, we get a glimpse into the world of amy as we follow her on her good days and her not so good days. a very straight forward story that really packs a punch and highlights some very important discussions regarding friendship and mental health. discussions us mentally ill people can’t seem to find the words to have.

while being an insightful story it isn’t particularly heavy, which is an added bonus. the author did a fantastic job of portraying what its like to be mentally ill and it had everything i crave, character driven, short chapters, loveable characters and a wonderful in-depth story that i found myself relating to throughout.

i found myself personally connecting with amy, from her depressive episodes putting a delay on life to finding it excruciatingly hard to explain her mental illnesses to others. so instead making up excuses, finding a way out, even if it makes her look bad, even if it strains her relationships. very, very relatable. as someone who really struggles with their mental health, i strongly connected with this book and it brought me so much comfort to read.

slight spoilers ahead: i love the direction it took, although the drama loving part of me wished dearly for ed to leave his wife and run off to australia with amy it just wasn’t realistic, i’m beyond delighted with the way the story went and how it ended.
and hi yes you will find me in the ed and nathan fan club, we are the biggest sucker for supportive friends!!!!