A review by amandamartinelli
Ozland (Everland, Book 3), Volume 3 by Wendy Spinale


In this final installment of the Everland trilogy, the lost Kids are faced with some of their hardest trials to date.
Displaced once again, they’re forced to witness their friends and newly built community burn to ash.
Not only is the Blood Red Queen ready to finish their reign of “by the skin of their teeth” luck, but Katt has decided it’s her turn to rule the world.
Gail finds her strength after the death of her parents to save Germany. Teamed up with Ginger, they fight through poppies and mechanical beasts in an attempt to reinstate the rightful king to his throne.

It’s been years since I stopped reading this trilogy but it all came back to me as I picked book three up, destined to finish this series once and for all.
I adored the steampunk retellings of Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, and Wizard of Oz. It’s such a unique premise, at a time where we’re bombarded with retelling.
This book is a literal battle. It’s war from page one until the end. While that’s not typically my style, it reads quickly.
I gave it a three because I didn’t think the characters were flushed out as well as they could have been. We’re introduced to side characters that we’re told have a pretty important role in the back story, but we don’t get the back story. We’re quickly introduced to a “tin man, lion, and scarecrow” but don’t get anything more than five pages where they’re the villain.
Same goes for the Apothecary workers, there’s a story behind their characters but we don’t get it. Though They play a huge role.
Beware, the author kills off many characters in this book.