A review by jessica42980
After Jessica by Morgen Bailey


All my reviews can be found at http://jessicasreadingroom.com
I received a copy as a part of the blog tour.
After Jessica is a short novella written by Morgen Bailey that pulls you in from the beginning and we have multiple mysteries throughout. The chapters are extremely short and the story is fast paced. You will want to keep reading to see what will happen!

The chapters are from multiple points of view (a favorite of mine!) and they start out disconnected, but as the novella progresses, they all wind up interconnected. Readers of thrillers/mysteries will most likely figure out the connections early on, I did. But it did not end my enjoyment of the novella. I wanted to see how these characters figured out the outcome. I liked and was invested in these characters, even the ‘unlikable’ Daniel, but you can understand his reasoning!

Reader beware: After Jessica ends on a cliffhanger! Ms. Bailey, I am ready for the continuation of this novella. I really hope you are planning to continue the story and I want to know what will happen next: Because ‘After Jessica’ is just the beginning!

After Jessica is recommended.