A review by meldav4
No More Words by Kerry Lonsdale


The pub date for No More Words is not until July 6 so I really think you should pre-order it now so that you can have it in your hands as soon as you can - it is THAT good!
Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1542019052/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_mq1.Fb9SS551G
I was hooked right from the first page and I gobbled up every single page in ONE day! I can’t quite determine what about it I loved so much, I am thinking maybe EVERYTHING? The characters were so inviting and compelling, the storyline was so creative and captivating, and the writing itself was so easy and flowing. Kerry Lonsdale is such an amazing and talented author and I am a huge fan of hers. I am always blown away by her novels and she has done it yet again with this one! Be prepared to cancel all of your plans once you are ready to start reading No More Words, because you will not want to put it down!