A review by pbanditp
Those You Killed by Christopher Badcock


Addiction is not just a monkey on your back, it is a demon. In Those You Killed you get to join Elwood as he faces his demon and tries to get his life back. Elwood is an author that dabbled in drugs just to spark some creativity. It didn’t take long for the master to become the slave and Elwood lost his wife and daughter as well as everything he loved. Time to quit
Elwoods dealer actually helped him out and let him stay in a remote cabin to try to go cold turkey. Withdrawal leads to hallucinations that just seem too real, and maybe a bit familiar.
Reality comes into question when Elwood discovers the past of this little town and its history of disappearances.
This has a great cast of characters as you witness the transformation of Elwood from junkie back to someone who cares about people other than himself.
There is a cinematic climax type ending that will have you jumping out of your seat. Whether it is because you are mad or happy is something you’ll have to find out for yourself.
I listened to the audiobook of this and the narration by Thomas Gloom was spectacular.