A review by routergirl
Little Bandaged Days by Kyra Wilder


Kyra Wilder is definitely a writer. There are some beautifully written things in this, which add to the psychological thrill of it - you're reading beautiful words describing a terrible situation. Like this bit:

"The days melted into each other. I felt it overwhelming sometimes that I was expected, all the time, to be a person. I woke in pieces. I was a random collection of parts. One shoulder but not the other, one ear. The skin on my face was raw, peeled open. I was so tired that it was really like that. It won’t last I thought. This is a phase, this is only now and now isn’t always. This minute is only this minute and this minute is only one minute long."

This book almost...almost had it. It was a creepy read, definitely got under my skin, and I loved (and worried about) the main character so much. I worried about the kids, I worried about how isolated she was, and that all she had was the husband who was clearly not a great guy.

What threw me were the chapters written later - identified by italics, clearly of someone in a different place. It never really came together. It never jibed, and when I hit the ending I was surprised. Because someone who can write like this? You believe they will pull it together by the end, but in this case it didn't happen.