A review by samanthakreads
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier


All women, mom's, mom's to be, or women who dream to be a mom... Read this book. The push for gender is starting when children go into preschool. I will say some of the book has some explicit chapters so I wouldn't just hand this book over to your daughter to read, but there are certain chapters that would be wonderful discussions for mom's to have with their teenage daughters. My heart broke so many times for these lost children, parents, and families. Satan is working overtime, which makes me hope Jesus is coming soon. Protect your children by getting involved in their school, homeschool if you can, and be the annoying strict parent who limits internet time/no Iphone! Social media is a huge contributor harming kids! The harm that transitioning does to kids as young as 10-16 can be irreversible. Children go through phases and change their minds 1.5 million times before becoming an adult. I truly believe satan attacks the ones that are already down whether that be abuse in the home, loneliness, or struggling with mental health including confusion on their identity. The hormones and surgeries that they provide to young kids without evening needing a therapist's note and in many case's without parent consent is insane. You have to have a parent's consent for a child under 18 to get a tattoo. So why allow such a huge decision to young kids without talking with professionals and their parents first? The guilt medical professionals place on parents by saying "You will be the reason your child commits suicide" if they don't follow the child's lead on their pronouns and transitions is mind blowing. These hormones given at such a young age are causing damage, enough that will last forever. They can cause severe heart problems, ruin internal organs, may cause cancer, and higher chances of young girls becoming infertile. I think this book shows the other side of what happens to children's bodies transitioning at such a young age. If someone believes they should transition seeing a therapist, talking it out, and making sure it's a decision you are okay making for the rest of your life. The world is so focused on feelings, behaviors, and choosing your identify as a kid, it's taking away from enjoying being a kid! If a girl is a tomboy or doesn't like the color pink... she can 100% still be a beautiful girl. We don't have to fit into these little boxes society claims you have to check in order to identify what god already created you to be.

*Anyone reading this I promise you the Lord is absolutely perfect! We are all beautifully and wonderfully made in God's image, he didn't make a single mistake when you were created and born the gender you are!!* :)