A review by parksystems
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio


Started this with a group of friends just as our present Covid19 plague was commencing and we were newly adjusting to our disconnected lives, still finding novelty in zoom backgrounds, etc. I think i can speak for us all and say - we were surprised at how stupid this book is. Sometimes its presented as an important work of literature. I now understand its importance is precisely in its triteness - as a new literature of novelty, divertissement, a literate bourgeois using their powers for dumb, etc... by the 8th day we were all pretty worn out on the bathroom humor & the jaunty zings were not hitting. But i get why medieval euro bourgeoise in their mannered piety & restricted religiosity etc etc. would have been HERE FOR ITTTT. it was a valuable lesson tbh that people truly were always actually pervy af, as was understanding that books of "historic importance" may not actually be worth reading. it will have me avoiding anything of similar value like the plague.