A review by chaosbooked
I'm in Love with Mothman by Paige Lavoie


Alright I don't read a ton of romance books but have been trying to read more and this seemed like a good fit for me. I don't mind the sex scenes in this book as some other reviews called it smut. Fine it's smut but it's good smut. Is there sexless romance novels? Like why did those people read the book to begin with? Also the question if it is really mothman or not? Well who the hell knows? Maybe mothman can turn human, I will be sure to ask him when I see him next. Also did you Google moth genitalia? That would have made the smut scenes more like dissection time in biology class, not a kink I would like to read but to each there own. So here is things that did bothered me about the book.

1. She mentions that a condom might not even fit him, but I have seen condoms fit on adult heads and legs and I ain't trying to reverse have a baby so that imagery didn't work for me.

2. I am pretty sure mothman could not flyfuck in most of the rooms in my house. So the cabin is either bigger then suggested or he was like 2 inches off the ground. 

Chris is just in counseling? Like prison counseling? because he kidnapped and shot you but it's written off as "no big"/spoiler>

4. And this is probably why romance isn't my main genre, he remembers she takes a pill everyday and that is supposed to make me swoon but it really just reminds me of how fucking low the bar is set for men in this society. 

All that being said, I will read the second book. It was fun.