A review by raven168
Reluctant Prince by Dani-Lyn Alexander


I thought this was a pretty good book with an interesting story to it. Dying kingdoms, powerful royalty, dragons and magic....an array of possible things to do there.

Ryleigh's a 17 year old girl responsible for her younger sister with no other family and desperately trying to protect her until she turns 18 and can be her legal guardian. Her whole life changes one day while she's at an interview. An earthquake strikes and she has no idea that it was caused in order to get her. Which doesn't happen because when the guy sent to kill her and take her back sees her protecting a little girl, he knows he cannot fulfill his mission. That guy would be the first prince of Cymmera, Jackson. Upon his return home he is banished to Earth for three months to prepare some sort of defense for his treasonous decision of not taking her. At this point he's determined to protect her and finds her and her sister Mia at the hospital. But apparently nowhere is safe. Ambushed by his father's advisor and his own mentor (Kai), then attacked at Ryleight's home by the bad guy (Daygan), they run for their lives. But Jackson had been stripped of his powers so it's up to Ryleigh to open a portal to his home and save them. Surprise surprise when it works. Once back at the castle Jackson learns his fate and they all learn about Ryleigh and Mia's history with their own. When Daygan attacks, it's obvious there's a traitor among them and Jackson's father makes a decision that will seal Jackson's future in case something should happen. During that ceremony though, Ryleigh gets caught up in it too and presented with her future. The battle rages on and it's hard to say how long it took because sometimes you would think it's been a long time, but then something happens that makes it seem much shorter. But it ends with important loses on both sides and the threat of still another traitor among Jackson's own (and I have my idea of who it is).

I will admit that the traitor seemed pretty obvious to me. I mean, the dude was a jerk (and that's putting it mildly). And some things were rather predictable, but I still enjoyed reading how they were going to come about. Ryleigh's decision at the end was a little annoying even though I suppose I can understand her reasoning.

I would definitely check out the next one to see what happens next.

One thing I don't understand is why it's titled "Reluctant Prince". He was in no way reluctant of his station. He took pride in who and what he was and worked hard to be worthy of it of all. Really, should have been the "Reluctant Princess" because Ryleigh is the one who wasn't all gun ho about it...

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.