A review by georginaballantine
Herja, Devastation by Cage Dunn, Frank Prem


N.B. I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
As a combination of poetry, prose, and wonderfully ominous illustrations, I found Herja, Devastation refreshingly original. The narrative slipped seamlessly between the two forms and the valkyrie/assassin story carried my interest throughout.
I loved the concept of the role reversal between the fallen valkyrie and carer turned worshipful minion. The subtlety around Herja's personality and her perspective on the relationship worked well too. I found her intriguing without needing details and appearances, leaving me free to imagine a myriad of possibilities.
There were occasional moments when the theme of 'they never see me coming' became a little repetitive, but this did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.
Highly recommended!