A review by chaotic_critique
The Acts Of Life by Kristin Mulligan


Firstly, the grammatical errors throughout killed my soul. Whoever edited this didn’t do a great job.

Now that’s out of the way… let’s start with the main character Sam. I think he is supposed to be damaged but likeable, sexy and endearing but instead he comes across as arrogant and a bit of a knob really. I really didn’t care for him and most of the narrative from him made me want to punch a wall.

The storyline was literally non-existent for the initial 50-60% of the book; which seemed to be dedicated to various (completely un-erotic) shagging scenes. I forgot I was supposed to be reading a thriller and had mistakenly picked up 50 descriptions of Sam’s dick.

The twist, when it eventually came was not a surprise, and everything was really quite predictable. I think when you have read enough thrillers they get a bit formulaic and not much is genuinely shocking and I’m afraid that’s what happened here.

Despite everything it was insanely easy to read and I did fly through it, which doesn’t make much sense given my criticism, however I don’t know what to tell you? It was just one of those books where you just switch off and plough through despite it being a bit of a garbage fire.