A review by exhaustedtech
Mosaic by Catherine McCarthy


Robin gets hired to restore a stained glass window in a thirteenth century church, bad shit happens.
Ok….I love this book. We are just going to come out with that.
The pacing in it is great, it reads like a movie, and I love it.
Everything is covered, Robin taking the job, weird things happening, her investigating the church, more weird things, her obsessive curiosity with the stained glass mural and the need to finish it, and more weirdness.
Robin has some family drama that has given her one hell of a bullshit meter, so she’s on the ball when something doesn’t sound right.
Now….the best part….the end.
I LOVE Lovecraft, I love the stories, but one thing I love the most are other’s interpretations of Lovecraft’s lore and the usage of it in new stories.
So when Nyarlathotep’s name popped up I got EXCITED. My fav creepy from that universe being used here? Hell yes.
The ending? Beautiful, what I would expect from cosmic horror.