A review by charlottedrummond
The Shadow Cadets of Pennyroyal Academy by M.A. Larson


Ahhhhhh!! It's here and I read it in less than a day!!

I read the first book back in March and I was so scared that it was a standalone. But it's not and the sequel is glorious!!

This book picks up right where we left off (at the end of term) and we get to explore the main character, Evie's, struggle with dealing with her family of dragons and her fairly new acquaintance with humans. Since she started attending Pennyroyal, she has gotten more used to being around humans and starts feeling even more out of place with her dragon mom and sister.

Because of this struggle, Evie leaves her home in the Dragonlands to visit her friend, Demetra, in her kingdom. She and her horse, Boy (who was a gift from a villager for vanquishing her witch stepmother) go on this journey.

Like the last book, there is a lot of plot and character development throughout the book. Evie has to deal with her friends slowly drifting away from her and having to deal with the mysterious threat of a gang of discharged princesses.

Evie learns more about her father, King Callahan (and even a bit about her mother) in this book. Any information given to her is pure gold and helps her trudge through the hardships she faces.

Her relationships with people and dragons alike grow, whether it be family wise, friendship wise or romantically. She has much compassion towards her friends (Maggie, Demetra, Basil, Remington, etc)

The climax was also magical!!!

The action was surreal and it sends shivers up your spine. Many twists occur and many surprising events take place.

I REALLY hope there is a third book, because there is no way this story is over. There are so many questions left unanswered. I can't wait for it to come out!!