A review by mabookyard
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee


My Rating : 5🌟

"We are not broken things, neither of us. We are cracked pottery mended with lacquer and flakes of gold, whole as we are, complete unto each other. Complete and worthy and so very loved"

This story follows our three main characters - Henry "Monty", his sister Felicity & his best friend / love interest Percy, on their adventurous and exciting journey around Europe. And when one of Monty's reckless decisions turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt that spans across Europe, it calls to question everything he knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores.

First things first- Monty is reckless, careless, doesn't care about how others feel about any decision he takes. But that's what makes this book a delight to read! The character transformation that happens with him is amazing!, and he grows to show that change during the end. But I am biased guys, I adore Monty. He resembles a lot of teenage traits that is bound to be present in anyone, Even in adults. On the Contrary, Percy is the type of guy everyone dreams to be with! He is patient, charming, thoughtful, makes you feel special and says the right thing at the right time. The character contrast between the two guys makes for an interesting pair and it actually makes you want to ship them!

The relationship between Monty and Felicity grows over the period of their adventurous time, and its adorable. She is the representation of how powerful a women's voice can be, and proves that all of us can dream big and achieve big as well! I love Felicity as a character. She acts as the anchor between them all, and is not afraid to take charge when needed.

Monty's relationship with his father plays a very important role in his character development. How he perceives the truth that he learns about his father and strives to be the better person with the help of the people around him was really inspiring. A lot of teenagers view hardships as the end of their world, but if anyone can be an inspiration for them all, I think it will be Monty and Percy. And can we just talk about the relationship that develops between Percy and Monty? I am a sucker for adorable ships, and this is just Abso-freaking-lutely adorable! 'Moncy'? ❤️ I dig it!

The book had an amazing combo of characters and plot-line, it has become one of my new all time favorites! The pacing of the book is constant throughout, and it doesn't feel like a 500 page long book. I definitely recommend this book to everybody! Every.One. Just read this book, and you will fall in love with the characters too!