A review by acdhamija
Ask Me No Questions by Marina Budhos


Budhos, Marina Tamar. Ask Me No Questions. 2006. 162 pp. $16.95. Simon Pulse. 978-1-42876-064-6. Ages 11 - 14. Fourteen-year-old Nadira and her family are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Along with typical problems, like struggling with grades and competing with her successful sister, Nadira and her family are increasingly fearful that they will be discovered and deported after the attacks of September 11th. They seek refuge in Canada, but are turned away, and Nadira’s father is arrested. Back home, Nadira and her sister must try to continue with their studies, even as they work to gather evidence of their father’s innocence. As her valedictorian sister grows more and more resigned, Nadira finally has a chance to show her family that she is capable of more than they think. A story of an immigrant experience that is not often told, Budhos’ novel does not minimize the pressures that the children of illegal immigrants in this country face, including discrimination, harassment, and poverty. A valuable book for both immigrants and to introduce American youth to this topic. Recommended.