A review by olivianoack
Masquerade by Jessica Burkhart


While I was reading through Sasha's books, I found myself often annoyed with her and how she always ruins her friendships, the drama with Jasmine and Julia was petty and stupid. I loved the competitive drama regarding the horse riding teams and and competitions who was winning classes. That stuff was interesting to me. I was relieved when I finished Sasha's books and I was ready to move onto some new drama.
Yet here we are with Lauren, and I don't really like the drama either. She barely spends any time riding in the books at all (there isn't even a horse on this cover- I think she only went riding twice and it was just for lessons). Also, so much of Lauren's drama involves her old friends and people from her home life, which is fine I guess and realistic, but it's not as interesting when it could be with Canterwood Crest. Riley was a super annoying girl, but at least she made conflict. Now that she's gone and Lauren's gotten over her fear of competition, I don't even know what the conflict is. There actually wasn't really conflict in this book because the whole thing is about Khloe planning Lauren's birthday party, which is way too cool for how old they are.
Also, Taylor's Dad is unreal. Like, I get the stereotype of controlling father's trying to force their son into the business, but he's literally only twelve years old. Let the boy live a little.